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FxSoni Buy Sell Entry Indicator


Introduction to the FxSoni Buy Sell Entry Indicator

The FxSoni Buy Sell Entry indicator is a forex trading indicator based on the moving averages. You should take advantage of the signals in the direction of the trend of moving averages. The indicator is really simple to use because it is no repaint indicator and its arrow signals come with an alert sound.

Our team has studied the fx soni buy sell entry indicator and we recommend to apply the indicator as a supplement or filter to your favorite and proven trading strategy. Standalone signals are a bit too noisy to count on them alone.

How to set up the FxSoni Buy Sell Entry indicator in MT4?

Installation Guide

Copy and paste the FxSoni_Entry_v3.ex4 or FxSoni_Entry_v3.mq4 indicator files into the MQL4 folder of the Metatrader 4 trading platform.

You can gain access to this folder by clicking the top menu options, that goes as follows:

File > Open Data Folder > MQL4 > Indicators (paste here).

Now go to the left side of your MT4 terminal. In the Navigator find the gauge name, right-click it and select Attach to the chart.

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